How many times have you had your heart broken?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why Why oh Why

It's been a while since I've posted. I guess that's the life of a twenty-something woman. It's a bit fast paced. So today's topic on my mind is that of the break up(s). I am inspired to write because two of my dearest friends have decided to part ways. The reason - mutual respect. While one side of me wants to reach out and knock them both in the head the other side of me is a reflection of myself and the experiences that I have had.

This idea of mutual respect is something that I myself have struggled with and have seen many many other couples struggle in the grasp for identity as a "we." The most common way this little monster shows itself is in the topic of heterosexual friendships.
From a females perspective, we find ourselves in relationships with great wonderful men that fulfill our every needs, but seem to think that "hanging out" with another female friend alone is acceptable. It is not. Anyone woman worth her weight knows that all siingle girls are out to mingle and if we want special time alone with a guy our goal is to rope him into our seduction to have him for ourselves. Guys just don't seem to understand that women are not the little princesses that they imagined in their dreams. You know the ones who carry daisies and can't think of anything evil. The truth of our existence is to procreate. We want that tall handsome guy who is compassionate, loyal, and everyones' favorite friend. Trouble is - those guys always seem to appear in relationships. 
From a males perspective, they just don't want to be harnessed. Their significant other should not be a whip snapping guardian. No one holds the rights to tell them who and what they can or can not do. So when a woman brings up the idea that they disapprove of the "hang out" time with another female "friend" they flip. Like a caged animal burning with fire frantically trying to escape, that is just what they do. They push they scream and their ultimate way to find safety is to escape, with no concern if they injure themselves in the process.
I've seen it time and time again and to me the only resolve is to just shout! It is not okay! It is not okay! Femals and males don't just "hang out" unless one or more parties has a different perogative than just friends. Single time is precious and those 6 hours that you have between work and sleep just aren't mean to be wasted with some "no product" prospect.
Guys wake up! Girls want men! We don't think you're out to get laid, but we know that girls want commitment and will do anything to have all your attention. It just is not appropriate to put yourself in a situation where compromises or perogatives can be encouraged.

So for the journey we are creating, this is the thought for the day. I hope my dear friends can come to an agreement. I really do.