How many times have you had your heart broken?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Besties

Okay girls, you know that one person other than your momma who you'd let go into the doctors office with you.... that's right, your Bestie! These girls are the real deal. The ones who have cried with you in your heartache, shook their fists at the moon with you, laughed until soda came out your nose, and would be there for you even if you were under concrete. As ACDC would say, to those about to rock, we salute you!!!
Today's blog is a special thanks and recognition to these ladies. Without you, surviving our twenties would be unbearable. Who else would even understand what you are talking about? Exactly.
So go today and tell that special someone just how much they mean to you. Yep, get up out of your chair, pick up the phone, or put on your walking shoes and go tell them. They deserve to hear it. It just might be the thing they need today.
Go on, get outta here!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Exam Cram...wait no, scram!

What better way to start the day than a sausage biscuit? This is my routine: every morning on my way in to work, I grab an o' so delicious sausage biscuit and large diet coke from BK. The soft buttery texture combined with the sweet yet spicy splendor help to make my mind free to be productive and creative.

I consider myself to be one of the very fortunate souls who can honestly say that I love my job. Accounting....yep, I said it. I love accounting. From the time that I was a wee gal I've counted my steps, made the organized plans, "mother hen"ed the events, and found every last detail.

People have the wrong impression about accounting though. They think of the "Producers" wonderful scene of green bills and arm bands clinking around on ten keys while scrutinizing over-sized journal ledgers and hating the wordly existence of life. Not the case my friends. Today's accounting is creative and not in the sketchy way. It takes skill and profieciency to deal with today's complex accounts and issues. I am constantly having to find creative ways to solve problems.

So everyday, I eat my biscuit, light my jar candle (ambiance isn't just for the bedroom), and begin to unravel the comings and goings of life in it's greatest form. Money. "Money makes the world go around, the world go around" (Cabaret). I sit in my office and enjoy the peace that the solidity of the numbers provides. I find rythmn in its consistency. Not that everday is peachy, but I can say that I do my best and at the end of the day, I hang my hat with comfort.

At home, I settle into a comfy spot on the couch. Enjoy an episode of my favorite show, "Ghost Whisperer" and relax with the love of my life. After I unwind, I get the pleasure, and I do mean pleasure, of cooking. I love to eat and it makes sense that I love to cook. Not just cooking, but creating. Everytime I step up and hold those beautifully sharpened knives and engulf myself in the smell that olive oil releases right as it reaches the optimal heat, I release my soul into a sphere that I am certain God created just so I would know what a small taste of heaven might be.